Kavali Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia

Kavali Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia

Kavali Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia

Welcome to Kavali Plastic Surgery and Skin Renewal Center. I am thrilled to have you here, and I hope that you will have a rewarding experience with us. This practice is a labor of love for me, and has no shortage of my own blood, sweat, and tears in it. When I started it in 2002, I had no idea where we might end up and no idea how quickly we would grow. Our success is due to our people and our ability to communicate, sympathize, and empathize with our patients.

What we provide is plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures, reconstructive procedures, and skin care. But what people really get from us and from our products is HOPE. Hope that a breast reconstruction can restore self-image—hope that a tummy tuck can undo the damage of childbearing and restore confidence–hope that a laser skin treatment can undo the damage of acne or the stigma of age and restore self-esteem.

I hope that, throughout your experience with us, you will see our Mission Statement brought to life:

  • To become the plastic surgery and skin care center of choice
  • To have every patient leave our office trusting that we can make their hopes a reality
  • To become the office that patients choose because we meet or exceed their expectations, assisting them with all aspects of their care
  • To consistently leave patients with a lasting positive impression that will make them “patients for life”
  • To build word-of-mouth referrals from our patients
  • To build a professional organization capable of achieving our mission, including regard for the development of excellence in individual staff members

Thank you, and I’m looking forward to many great years ahead.
–Dr. Kavali


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