Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever

Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever

Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever

I am NOT the first to jump at the “newest, latest, and greatest” thing that comes along.  If it’s just been shown on The Doctors, I probably don’t have it yet.  That’s because a lot of the newest things aren’t really improvements on what we already have.  They just have more catchy names.

The other problem is that, for many new cosmetic devices, the marketing has preceded the science.  Yes, the company may have shown that the device is safe and has some effect, but they likely haven’t invested in long-term follow up.  They may be able to show immediate results, but what about a year after the treatment?  Are there still any results?  Or are you right back to where you started before you ever had that treatment done?

So I’m reluctant to offer a new treatment with a new device until I know it really works and that it’s truly something different.  There has to be some advantage to using it, as opposed to doing what we already do.

Liposuction is tried and true.  It removes fat permanently.  It’s reliable; it just works.  But it’s surgery, and it leaves (little) scars, and it requires some type of anesthesia.  And there’s swelling and some pain and bruising as well.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could remove fat permanently with no scars, no surgery, no anesthesia, no downtime?

That’s exactly why CoolSculpting is part of my practice.  The science was there long before the marketing started.  And we have 4 year follow up photos showing lasting results!  It just works.  It permanently removes fat with no surgery, no anesthesia, no downtime, no scars.  You can believe the hype.  Freeze the Fat Forever!

With CoolSculpting, you can trim belly fat, muffin tops, thighs, arms, bra rolls (those pesky rolls that hang out from under your bra on your back)–all in our office with no downtime.  It’s permanent.  And I wouldn’t have it in my office if I didn’t believe in it fully.  I want you to love your results!

Here are some results from CoolSculpting treatments done in my office:


Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever  Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever

Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever  Hype or Hope? Getting Rid of Fat Forever

You can find some of our other results here.  What’s not to love?

Yours in Health and Beauty,
Dr. Kavali


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